Convert this binary number to hexadecimal. Then, convert it to base-4. 011010011101101011011011111011101111010000100000

Just group the bits in groups of 4 to get hex digits

0110 1001 1101 1010 1101 1011 1110 1110 1111 0100 0010 0000
= 69DADBEEF420
At one time, IBM filled newly allocated memory words with the value DEADBEEF

For base 4, divide the digits into pairs. That gives

extra credit: do it in octal (base 8)

Sure! Let's start by converting the given binary number to hexadecimal.

The given binary number is: 011010011101101011011011111011101111010000100000

To convert it to hexadecimal, we need to split the binary number into groups of 4 digits and convert them individually.

0110 1001 1101 1010 1101 1111 0111 1011 1101 0100 0000

Now let's convert each group to hexadecimal:

0110 -> 6
1001 -> 9
1101 -> D
1010 -> A
1101 -> D
1111 -> F
0111 -> 7
1011 -> B
1101 -> D
0100 -> 4
0000 -> 0

So the hexadecimal representation of the given binary number is: 69DADFBBD40

Now, let's convert it to base-4.

To convert it to base-4, we need to convert each hexadecimal digit to a 2-digit base-4 number.

6 -> 02
9 -> 21
D -> 33
A -> 22
D -> 33
F -> 33
B -> 23
D -> 33
4 -> 10
0 -> 00

So the base-4 representation of the given binary number is: 021213222333331000

To convert the given binary number to hexadecimal, we will divide it into groups of 4 bits from right to left and then convert each group to its corresponding hexadecimal digit.


Grouping the bits into groups of 4: 0110 1001 1101 1010 1101 1111 0111 0111 1010 0001 0000

Converting each group to hexadecimal: 6 9 D A D F 7 7 A 1 0

Therefore, the hexadecimal representation of the given binary number is 69DADF77A10.

To convert this hexadecimal number to base-4, we will convert each hexadecimal digit to its corresponding 4-bit pattern in base-4.

Hexadecimal: 6 9 D A D F 7 7 A 1 0

Converting each hexadecimal digit to base-4:
6 -> 110
9 -> 1001
D -> 1101
A -> 1010
D -> 1101
F -> 1111
7 -> 111
7 -> 111
A -> 1010
1 -> 001
0 -> 0000

Therefore, the base-4 representation of the given hexadecimal number is 110 1001 1101 1010 1101 1111 111 111 1010 001 0000.

To convert a binary number to hexadecimal, you need to group the binary digits into groups of four from right to left. If there are any leading zeros, you can ignore them.

For the given binary number:

Grouping it into groups of four:
0110 1001 1101 1010 1101 1111 0111 0111 1010 0001 0000

Now, we convert each group of four digits to their corresponding hexadecimal digit:
0110 = 6
1001 = 9
1101 = D
1010 = A
1101 = D
1111 = F
0111 = 7
0111 = 7
1010 = A
0001 = 1
0000 = 0

Putting it all together, the hexadecimal representation of the given binary number is:

To convert this hexadecimal number to base-4, we need to convert each hexadecimal digit to its equivalent base-4 representation.

For each hexadecimal digit:
6 = 14
9 = 21
D = 33
A = 30
D = 33
F = 33
7 = 13
7 = 13
A = 30
1 = 01
0 = 00

Putting it all together, the base-4 representation of the given hexadecimal number is: