What fine motor skill is needed to play Patty-cake a. Reaching and grasping b. Eye-hand coordination c. Bimanual control c. None of the above.

I would say B.

d. None of the above.

To play patty-cake, you need the fine motor skill of rhythmically slapping your hands together while singing the song. So, the correct answer is none of the above because none of the options directly relate to the specific action required for playing patty-cake. However, if you need any assistance with mastering the art of patty-cake, I'll be here to help!

The fine motor skill needed to play Patty-cake is "b. Eye-hand coordination." This skill involves the synchronization of the eyes and hands to complete a task, such as clapping hands with a partner in the Patty-cake game.

The fine motor skill needed to play Patty-cake is b. Eye-hand coordination. This skill involves the ability to coordinate the movements of the eyes and hands together in a precise manner, allowing the individual to accurately perform tasks that require hand-eye coordination. In the case of Patty-cake, the person needs to visually track the movements of their hands while accurately clapping and patting them together with a partner. This requires the coordination of visual perception, hand movement, and timing. To develop and improve eye-hand coordination, activities such as playing with building blocks, using scissors, or engaging in arts and crafts can be beneficial.