Cubic crystal have ___ centre of symmetry

Cubic crystals have one centre of symmetry.

To determine the number of symmetry elements in a crystal, you need to consider its crystal system and its symmetry operations. The crystal system refers to the overall symmetry of the crystal, while the symmetry operations are specific transformations that leave the crystal unchanged.

In the case of a cubic crystal, it belongs to the cubic crystal system, which has a high degree of symmetry. The cubic system has several symmetry elements, including a centre of symmetry, also known as inversion symmetry.

A centre of symmetry is a point in the crystal where any line drawn from that point through the crystal will intersect the opposite face at an equal distance. This means that if you imagine folding the crystal along that point, the two halves would perfectly overlap.

So, in summary, cubic crystals have one centre of symmetry, which is a key element of their overall symmetry and reflects their highly symmetrical nature.