George Washington warned against interfering in European affairs, how does this warning from Washington connect to the Monroe Doctrine? Explain your answer (3-5 sentences)

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The warning from George Washington against interfering in European affairs can be seen as a precursor to the Monroe Doctrine. Washington's warning, articulated in his Farewell Address in 1796, reflected the idea of non-intervention and the adoption of a policy of neutrality in order to avoid entanglement in foreign conflicts. Similarly, the Monroe Doctrine, enunciated in 1823 by President James Monroe, declared that the United States would consider any further European colonization or intervention in the Americas as a threat to its own security and interests.

The connection between these two is that they both express a desire for the United States to maintain a position of non-interference in European affairs. While Washington's warning focused more on avoiding military alliances and commitments, the Monroe Doctrine expanded on this idea by explicitly asserting American opposition to European political and military involvement in the Western Hemisphere. Both principles sought to establish an independent course for the United States while asserting its desire to avoid becoming embroiled in European conflicts and power struggles.