A base raised to a NEGATIVE exponent is equivalent to _______________.???

plz help me with the word. thanks.

As the base is raised to a negative exponent is equivalent to a greater nubmer i don't know


= 1/(a)^+n

A base raised to a negative exponent is equivalent to the reciprocal of the base raised to the positive version of the exponent.

To explain how to get the answer in more detail, suppose we have a base 'b' and a negative exponent 'n'. We can find the answer by following these steps:

1. Calculate the positive version of the exponent: |n|. This is done by taking the absolute value of the negative exponent, which means removing the negative sign. For example, if the exponent is -3, then the positive version would be 3.

2. Raise the base 'b' to the positive exponent: b^n. This means multiplying the base 'b' by itself 'n' times. For example, if the base is 2 and the exponent is 3, then 2^3 = 2 * 2 * 2 = 8.

3. Take the reciprocal of the result from step 2: 1/(b^n). The reciprocal of a number is found by dividing 1 by that number. For example, if the result from step 2 is 8, then the reciprocal would be 1/8.

So, the final answer is that a base raised to a negative exponent is equivalent to the reciprocal of the base raised to the positive version of the exponent.