Describe the sequence of transformations that maps triangle XYZ onto triangle X”Y”Z”

X = -6,2

Y = -4,7
Z = -2, 2
X” = -11,-1
Y” = -9,-6
Z” = -7, -1

the sides are all unchanged in length, so there is no scaling.

Have you drawn the triangles?
clearly, XYZ has been flipped upside down and then shifted.
see what you can do with that.

Haven't done translations in a while, but it should be something like reflected about the x-axis, then translated 5 units to the left then one unit up.

To describe the sequence of transformations that maps triangle XYZ onto triangle X"Y"Z", we need to break it down into individual steps. Here are the possible transformations:

1. Translation: Move all three vertices of triangle XYZ to a new position. This can be done by adding/subtracting a constant value on both x and y coordinates of each vertex. Let's say we move XYZ to triangle X'Y'Z'.

2. Rotation: Rotate triangle X'Y'Z' around a specific point by a certain angle. This involves selecting a center of rotation and an angle. We need to make sure that each vertex of triangle X'Y'Z' rotates by the same angle. Let's say we rotate X'Y'Z' to X''Y''Z''.

3. Reflection: Reflect triangle X''Y''Z'' through a line of reflection. This can be done by reversing the order of the coordinates either horizontally or vertically. Let's say we reflect X''Y''Z'' to X'''Y'''Z'''.

4. Dilation: Increase or decrease the size of triangle X'''Y'''Z''' uniformly or non-uniformly. This involves multiplying the coordinates of each vertex by a specific scale factor. Let's say we dilate X'''Y'''Z''' to X''''Y''''Z''''.

So, the sequence of transformations that maps triangle XYZ onto triangle X"Y"Z" could include translations, rotations, reflections, and dilations. The specific parameters, such as values of translation, center and angle of rotation, line of reflection, and scale factor of dilation, would depend on the given problem or information.