How would you space the latter poem?:

With your blue eyes I can hardly resist

These emotions that come as a flood to exist

Or maybe the ocean waves


The blue of a penetrating gaze

 Shadows of sapphire envelope
Sea glass washing upon the shores of a heart made of sunset

I hear only one rhyme in there, so clearly you don't intend the lines to rhyme. I'd space it this way:

With your blue eyes
I can hardly resist these emotions
that come as a flood
or maybe the ocean waves
reflecting the blue of a penetrating gaze
shadows of sapphire
envelope sea glass washing up
on the shores of a heart
made of sunset

That looks fine. Thanks.

Spacing in a poem is a matter of personal preference and artistic interpretation. However, based on the content and flow of the poem, you could consider spacing it as follows:

With your blue eyes I can hardly resist
These emotions that come as a flood to exist

Or maybe the ocean waves
The blue of a penetrating gaze

Shadows of sapphire envelope

Sea glass washing upon the shores
Of a heart made of sunset

This spacing allows for a pause and emphasis at certain points, highlighting the emotions and imagery in the poem. However, feel free to experiment with different spacings to achieve the desired effect and enhance the overall aesthetic of the poem.