Which operation can you use to solve the equation 2/9x = 12?

a.Subtract 12 from each side
b.Add -2/9 to each side
c.Divide both sides by 9/2
d.Multiply both sides by 9/2

welp what is is

I think is is C, but not forsure?

welp im dead :I

To solve the equation 2/9x = 12, you need to isolate the variable x. Let's go through the options you provided:

a. Subtract 12 from each side:
If you subtract 12 from each side of the equation, you would have:

2/9x - 12 = 0

However, this does not help us in isolating the variable x.

b. Add -2/9 to each side:
If you add -2/9 to each side of the equation, you would have:

2/9x + (-2/9) = 12 + (-2/9)
2/9x - 2/9 = 12

This helps us simplify the equation, but it still doesn't isolate the variable x.

c. Divide both sides by 9/2:
If you divide both sides of the equation by 9/2, you would have:

(2/9x) / (9/2) = 12 / (9/2)
(2/9x) * (2/9) = 12 * (2/9)
x = (12 * 2/9) / (2/9)

By dividing both sides by 9/2, you are essentially multiplying by its reciprocal. This operation isolates the variable x.

d. Multiply both sides by 9/2:
If you multiply both sides of the equation by 9/2, you would have:

(2/9x) * (9/2) = 12 * (9/2)
(2/9x) * (9/2) = (12 * 9) / 2
x = (12 * 9) / (2 * 9/2)

By multiplying both sides by 9/2, you are also isolating the variable x.

Therefore, both options c and d will lead you to the solution for the equation 2/9x = 12.

yes, you should think again

how do you "undo" the multiplication, to get x by itself?