What career and job qualification can i get with these subjects?

Maths lit,tourism,consumer studies,dramatic arts

With the subjects of Maths Literacy, Tourism, Consumer Studies, and Dramatic Arts, you have a range of potential career options across various industries. While the specific qualifications and requirements may differ depending on the job, here are some career paths you could consider:

1. Travel and Tourism Industry:
- Tour Guide: Develop a detailed understanding of tourist attractions, historical sites, and cultural destinations.
- Event Planner: Use your knowledge of tourism and consumer behavior to organize and coordinate events, conferences, and exhibitions.

2. Hospitality and Hotel Industry:
- Hotel Manager: Acquire skills in customer service, consumer behavior, and management to oversee and run hotel operations.
- Restaurant Manager: Apply your understanding of consumer studies and customer preferences to manage restaurant operations effectively.

3. Marketing and Advertising Industry:
- Market Research Analyst: Combine your consumer studies with analytical skills to gather and analyze data on consumer behavior and preferences.
- Advertising Executive: Apply creative and dramatic arts skills to develop engaging marketing campaigns and advertisements.

4. Arts and Entertainment Industry:
- Actor/Actress: Utilize your dramatic arts skills to pursue a career in theater, film, television, or advertising.
- Arts Administrator: Combine your passion for the arts with organizational skills to work behind the scenes in arts organizations, galleries, or theaters.

5. Entrepreneurship:
- Start your own business: Combine your knowledge of consumer studies, tourism, and dramatic arts to create innovative business ideas in the hospitality, events, or entertainment industry.

To further explore these career options and understand specific job qualifications, it would be beneficial to research requirements for the specific careers you are interested in. Look for relevant tertiary education programs, professional certifications, and on-the-job training opportunities in your chosen field. Networking with professionals already working in those industries can also provide valuable insights into career paths and qualifications.