Sephora draws a square with an area of 289 square centimeters. What is the length of one side of the square?

is it 18 cm?

16 cm

17 cm
15 cm
18 cm

those r the choices

ah,on my calculator 18*18 = 324

let me see, 7 times 7 ends in a nine.

A = L*W.

W = L. So replace W with L:
A = L*L = L^2
289 = L^2
Take sq. root of both sides:
L = 17 cm.

To find the length of one side of a square, you need to calculate the square root of its area. In this case, the area of the square is given as 289 square centimeters. To find the square root, you can use a calculator or a math function.