"people from different parts of the world can respond to the same story if it says something to them about their own history and their own experience" -Chinua Achebe

Write a short essay (2 paragraphs)

How could a student in China understand Achebe's book Things Fall Apart (or any other book or story you have read)?

Would that be different for a student in Nigeria? in the US? in Italy?

No one here will write your assignment for you, but if you post what you write (no 1st or 2nd drafts, please), a tutor here may be able to critique your thinking and writing for you.

Ok, that is not an essay. In an essay you present an idea (or opinion), and then try to convince the reader to agree.

Start with a short outline of what your opinion is, and try to boil it down to a single idea. ...and you can amplify that. Then, in the second paragraph, make your argument to convince the reader.

2 lousy paragraphs, and you want someone do it for you? Give it a try.

what i think people come in different in shapes and size and you should be happy for what had god created. people from the world are all different and share a different personality. other people have different story's to there life and some might had the same problem. some people experience new things and other people experience bad things so...people dont experience the same. people make history and they share them to the world.

I could think of anything else for the 2 paragraphs

Title: The Universal Resonance of Stories as Muses of History and Experience

Chinua Achebe's insightful quote highlights the remarkable ability of stories to transcend physical and cultural boundaries, resonating with people from diverse backgrounds, histories, and experiences. Stories possess a unique power to capture fragments of humanity's collective memory and speak to individuals on a profoundly personal level, connecting them to their own history and unique lived realities.

In a world where globalization has dissolved physical borders, stories serve as profound vessels, enabling individuals from different corners of the globe to engage with narratives that mirror their own historical and experiential tapestries. By conveying universal emotions such as love, loss, struggle, and triumph, stories act as empathetic bridges, fostering understanding and compassion among individuals separated by geography or cultural differences.

Moreover, stories carry within them the essence of cultural and societal fabric, inviting readers to reflect upon their own heritage and experiences. As individuals traverse narratives that mirror their own history, they gain a deeper sense of self and belonging. Stories can serve as mirrors that validate personal experiences and emotions, fostering a sense of solidarity among people who may be separated by time and space. Ultimately, by offering an outlet for diverse voices and perspectives, stories enable us to explore our humanity collectively, weaving a rich tapestry of shared experiences and histories that bind us together as a global community.

In conclusion, Chinua Achebe's perceptive observation emphasizes that stories possess an extraordinary ability to touch hearts and minds across cultures and geographies. By drawing on their own history and experiences, people from different parts of the world find resonance with narratives that mirror their own collective memory. Stories transcend physical limitations, bridging gaps, and fostering understanding among individuals by highlighting the universality of the human condition. In an interconnected world where empathy and compassion hold the key to a harmonious future, the profound impact of stories as conduits of history and experience underscores their timeless significance.


I Tried