Which pair of ratios can form a true proportion

7/4 21/12***
6/3 /56
7/10 6/7
3/5 7/12

I just need to check my work

looks good


To determine if a pair of ratios can form a true proportion, you need to check if the cross products of the ratios are equal. The cross product is obtained by multiplying the numerator of the first ratio by the denominator of the second ratio and comparing it to the product of the numerator of the second ratio and the denominator of the first ratio.

Let's check each pair of ratios:

1) 7/4 and 21/12
Cross-product: (7 * 12) = 84
(4 * 21) = 84
The cross-products are equal, so this pair of ratios can form a true proportion.

2) 6/3 and 56
Cross-product: (6 * 56) = 336
(3 * 1) = 3
The cross-products are not equal, so this pair of ratios cannot form a true proportion.

3) 7/10 and 6/7
Cross-product: (7 * 7) = 49
(10 * 6) = 60
The cross-products are not equal, so this pair of ratios cannot form a true proportion.

4) 3/5 and 7/12
Cross-product: (3 * 12) = 36
(5 * 7) = 35
The cross-products are not equal, so this pair of ratios cannot form a true proportion.

Therefore, the only pair of ratios that can form a true proportion is 7/4 and 21/12.