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1. Please write in complete sentences and use appropriate punctuation when answering the question.

The Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire in New York City was one of the worst workplace disasters in American history. Research the event on the Internet. Describe the reforms that were put in place after the disaster. Do you think the reforms influenced other reforms around the country?

like that helps us in any way.... you literally just took the questions out of Jay's submission and basically said do it yourself.

after the triangle shirt waste company fire in New York City there was reforms put in place. Some of the refers worm, fire prevention legislation, factory inspection laws, and the international ladies garment workers union. The treasury widespread attention to dangerous sweatshop conditions of factories and lead to the development of a series of laws and regulations that better protect the safety of workers.

Sure, I can help you with that! To answer your question about the reforms put in place after the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire, you can begin by researching the event on the Internet. Here's how you can approach finding the answer:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
2. Type in a search engine query such as "Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire reforms" or "reforms after Triangle Shirtwaist fire."
3. Look through the search results to find reliable sources that provide information about the reforms implemented after the disaster. Pay attention to reputable websites like government archives, historical databases, and educational institutions.

Once you find the relevant information about the reforms, you can describe them in your answer. Make sure to write in complete sentences and use appropriate punctuation. Now let's delve into possible reforms that were put in place after the fire:

One of the major reforms following the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire was the establishment of new workplace safety regulations. These regulations included requirements for building standards, such as fireproofing and sprinkler systems, as well as improved safety measures like accessible fire escapes and exit routes. In addition, building inspections and regular safety drills became mandatory to ensure worker safety.

Another significant reform was the creation of labor laws to protect workers' rights. This included the formation of labor unions and the recognition of workers' right to collective bargaining. These reforms aimed to improve working conditions and address issues such as long working hours, low wages, and unsafe practices.

Furthermore, the disaster led to increased public awareness of workplace safety and labor rights, which created a general push for reforms across the country. As a result, similar safety regulations and labor reforms were implemented in various states, highlighting the influence the Triangle Shirtwaist fire had on broader reform movements.

In conclusion, the reforms implemented after the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire included workplace safety regulations, labor laws, and increased public awareness. These reforms had a lasting impact on improving worker conditions and influenced the advancement of similar reforms in other parts of the country.

Have you researched the event on the internet?

1. Go here to start:

2. Describe the reforms that were put in place after the disaster.

3. Do you think the reforms influenced other reforms around the country?

If you post what you write, someone here will be able to critique your thinking and writing for you.