I need help with numbers 3, 4, 8, and 9

Problem: You and your family visit Sunriver for a long weekend. While you’re there, you decide that you want to rent bicycles and explore. There are two companies you could rent from. Village Bike & Skiand as well as 4Seasons Recreational Outfitters . Follow the links to their websites and choose the type of bike you would want to rent. Fill in the information below to compare these two companies and decided which company you would choose. Assume you will keep the bikes for 1 full day plus additional hours the second day (not 2 full days).

1.)Fill in the following information (2 points): Bike Chosen Cost for 1 full day Cost per hour Village Bike & Ski 4Seasons For Village Bike & Ski:

2.)express in words the amount the company charges for the first day and per hour after that. (1 point)

3.)Write an equation in slope-intercept form. (2 points)

4.)What does the y-intercept mean in the context of this problem? Hint: What is the flat rate for renting the bike for 1 day? (2 points)

6.)If there are 5 people in your family, and you each rent the same bike you have chosen, what would be the total cost of renting the bikes for 1 full day plus 6 additional hours? 4Seasons Recreational Outfitters:

7.)Express in a table the cost of the cab ride given the number of miles provided. (1 point) Number of hours after day 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Total cost (dollars)

8.)Write an equation in slope intercept form. (2 points)

9.)What does the slope mean in the context of the problem? (2 points)

10.)If there are 5 people in your family, and you each rent the same bike you have chosen, what would be the total cost of renting the bikes for 1 full day plus 6 additional hours? Reflecting and Evaluating (4 points):

11.)Which rental company would you choose to use? Fully explain your reasoning using complete sentences. Be sure to include your data in your explanation.


The cost of the bike = base value + amount per km (or per hour)
y = mx + b

#4 The y-intercept is the base value of the rental.

#9 The slope is the rate they charge (either per day, per hour, or per km)

To answer questions 3, 4, 8, and 9, we need to analyze the information given in the problem and understand the concepts of slope-intercept form, y-intercept, and slope.

Let's start with question 3) "Write an equation in slope-intercept form." The slope-intercept form of an equation is written as y = mx + b, where m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept.

To write the equation, we need to identify the slope (m) and the y-intercept (b). However, the information provided does not explicitly give us these values. We will need further information to determine the slope and y-intercept.

Moving on to question 4) "What does the y-intercept mean in the context of this problem? Hint: What is the flat rate for renting the bike for 1 day?" In the context of this problem, the y-intercept represents the cost of renting the bike for 1 full day. It is the fixed amount that the rental company charges regardless of the number of hours.

Considering the information given, we should be able to find the y-intercept for each rental company.

Now, let's proceed to question 8) "Write an equation in slope-intercept form." Similarly, we need to write the equation in slope-intercept form, y = mx + b. However, without the given information, it is not possible to determine the slope (m) and the y-intercept (b).

Lastly, question 9) "What does the slope mean in the context of the problem?" The slope represents the rate at which the cost of renting the bike increases per hour. It indicates how much you need to pay for each additional hour of rental.

To answer questions 6 and 10, we need additional information to calculate the total cost of renting the bikes. Unfortunately, the problem does not provide the specific rates for each rental company.

Moving on to question 11) "Which rental company would you choose to use? Fully explain your reasoning using complete sentences. Be sure to include your data in your explanation." Without the specific rates for each rental company, it is impossible to make a comparison and determine which one is more cost-effective. We would need the rates for the bikes from both companies to make an informed decision.

Therefore, based on the information given in the problem, we are unable to answer questions 3, 4, 8, 9, 6, 8, and 10 accurately. We need additional information regarding the cost of renting the bikes from Village Bike & Ski and 4Seasons Recreational Outfitters.