A box of cereal weighs 21 oz. Does it weigh more or less than 1 pound? How many more or less?

there are 16 oz. in a pound

To determine whether a box of cereal weighing 21 oz is more or less than 1 pound, we need to first convert the weight to the same unit of measurement.

There are 16 ounces in 1 pound. So, to convert the weight from ounces to pounds, we divide 21 by 16.

21 oz รท 16 = 1.31 pounds (rounded to two decimal places)

Given that a box of cereal weighs 1.31 pounds, it weighs more than 1 pound.

To find out how much more it weighs, we subtract 1 pound from 1.31 pounds.

1.31 pounds - 1 pound = 0.31 pounds

Therefore, a box of cereal weighing 21 oz weighs 0.31 pounds more than 1 pound.