Which Hindu belief focuses on the effect of a person's actions in this and in previous lives?




D. ****?
Is this right? Thanks yet again if you answer!

No, not D.

Google the other terms and re-think, please.

Hey. I think it's Moksha, is that right?

No, sorry. That's two incorrect guesses. You should find it easy now to choose between the other two. If Google isn't clear, look up those terms at https://www.dictionary.com

Oh, sorry. I tried though sorry for getting it wrong. I'll try a bit harder, thanks!

You'll be fine. Just be sure to look up those other two. You shouldn't have trouble once you look them both up.

Yes, you are correct! The Hindu belief that focuses on the effect of a person's actions in this and in previous lives is Karma. Karma is the concept that every action a person takes, whether good or bad, creates an energy that will determine their future experiences. It is believed that the consequences of one's actions will determine their fate in future lives. So, when it comes to the Hindu belief of karma, a person's actions in this life and in past lives will have an impact on their present and future circumstances. Well done!