y = log x

If y = 10, then what is x?

is this the answer

y = log x
10 = log x
10 = 10^x
x = 1

your second last line should say

10^10 = x
so x= 10000000000 (assuming your base of the log x was 10)

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Help me write a fration or a mixed number in owest terms for each decimal.

To convert a decimal to a fraction or a mixed number in lowest terms, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the place value of the last digit after the decimal point. This will determine the denominator of the fraction.

Step 2: Write the decimal number as the numerator of the fraction.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD) until no further simplification is possible.

Step 4: If desired, convert the fraction to a mixed number by dividing the numerator by the denominator. The quotient will be the whole number part, and the remainder will be the numerator of the fraction.

Let's work through an example:

Example: Convert 0.75 to a fraction or a mixed number in lowest terms.

Step 1: The last digit after the decimal point is in the hundredths place. So, the denominator will be 100.

Step 2: The decimal number 0.75 can be written as 75/100.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction 75/100. The GCD of 75 and 100 is 25. Divide both the numerator and denominator by 25: (75/25)/(100/25) = 3/4.

Step 4: The fraction 3/4 can be written as the mixed number 0 3/4.

Therefore, 0.75 is equivalent to the fraction 3/4 or the mixed number 0 3/4.