Which of the following did the Roman republic and Greek democracy have in common?

All citizens were granted freedom to practice various religions.

All citizens created the laws for their society.

Citizens could participate in government by voting.

Citizens put a constitutional monarchy in place so governmental power was shared.

Which of the following did the Roman republic and Greek democracy have in common?

All citizens were granted freedom to practice various religions.

All citizens created the laws for their society.

Citizens could participate in government by voting.

Citizens put a constitutional monarchy in place so governmental power was shared. ******

here is the next question

Drag and drop the events that occurred in Ancient Rome in order from top to bottom.

Julius Caesar became dictator of Rome.

The Romans removed the last Roman king from power and set up a republic.

The period of Pax Romana began.

The Edict of Milan was issued to allow Romans to adopt Christianity.

this is the order i have it in is it right

The answer is C just trust me

To determine which of the following options the Roman republic and Greek democracy have in common, we need to examine the characteristics of both systems. Here's an explanation of each option:

A. "All citizens were granted freedom to practice various religions." — In Roman republic and Greek democracy, citizens were generally allowed to practice various religions as long as it did not threaten the stability or security of the state. However, this option does not apply specifically to either system.

B. "All citizens created the laws for their society." — In the Roman republic, citizens did not directly create laws but rather elected representatives who ensured laws were created and enforced. However, in Greek democracy, citizens did participate in creating laws and making decisions for their society, either through the direct democratic assembly or by electing officials. So, this option applies to Greek democracy but not the Roman republic.

C. "Citizens could participate in government by voting." — Both the Roman republic and Greek democracy allowed citizens to participate in government through voting. In Rome, citizens could vote to elect officials, while in Greek democracy, citizens could vote directly on important decisions and policies.

D. "Citizens put a constitutional monarchy in place so governmental power was shared." — Neither the Roman republic nor Greek democracy had a constitutional monarchy, where power is shared between a monarch and other governmental institutions. Instead, both systems operated as a form of representative democracy.

From the given options, only option C, "Citizens could participate in government by voting," applies to both the Roman republic and Greek democracy. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

No, they're not in the correct chronological order.

Someone can check YOUR answer if you post it.