You ride your bike at an average of 12 miles per hour on the way to school, and at an average of 15 miles per hour on the way home. The total ride time is 22 minutes. How far away is school? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a mile

im confused....

since time = distance/speed, if the distance is d miles, then

d/12 + d/15 = 22/60

thx u so much!

To find the distance, we can use the formula Distance = Speed * Time.

Let's assume the distance to school is 'd' miles.

On the way to school, you ride at an average speed of 12 miles per hour. As the total ride time is 22 minutes, we need to convert it to hours by dividing it by 60: 22 minutes = 22/60 = 0.367 hours.

Using the formula Distance = Speed * Time, we have:

d = 12 * 0.367

On the way back home, you ride at an average speed of 15 miles per hour. Again, the ride time is 22 minutes, so we convert it to hours: 22 minutes = 22/60 = 0.367 hours.

Using the formula Distance = Speed * Time, we have:

d = 15 * 0.367

To find the total distance, we can add the distances from both legs of the journey:

Total distance = d + d = 2d

Since the total ride time is 22 minutes, or 0.367 hours, we can set up the equation:

2d = 0.367

Now we can solve for 'd':

2d = 0.367
d = 0.367 / 2
d = 0.1835

Therefore, the distance to school is approximately 0.1835 miles. Rounding to the nearest hundredth of a mile gives us 0.18 miles.