The first supersonic flight was in 1947. It was just above the speed of sound. Which altitude would you expect Captain Yeager to have used for his flight?

Select one:
a. 85,000 m (where meteor showers originate)
b. Sea level
c. 1,000 m
d. 13,700 m (within altitude used by commercial planes today)

higher altitude ("thinner" air) means lower speed of sound

d. looks good

b. and c. too low , a. too high

d. 13,700 m (within altitude used by commercial planes today)

To determine the expected altitude for Captain Yeager's first supersonic flight, we need to consider the conditions that are ideal for achieving supersonic speeds. The altitude at which a supersonic flight takes place depends on various factors, including aircraft design, speed, and air density.

When an aircraft approaches the speed of sound, it encounters a phenomenon called "transonic drag rise." This is a sudden increase in drag that can cause instability and make it challenging to continue accelerating. To minimize this drag rise and maintain stability, aircraft designers aim to reach higher altitudes where the air density is lower.

Based on this information, we can rule out options c and b. Flying at sea level or at an altitude of just 1,000 m would likely result in higher air density, making it more difficult for Captain Yeager to achieve supersonic speeds.

Option a, 85,000 m, is not a probable altitude either. This altitude is where meteor showers originate, and it is well beyond the range of the aircraft used for that specific flight.

Therefore, the most likely option is d: 13,700 m, which is within the altitude range used by commercial planes today. This altitude would offer a lower air density, allowing Captain Yeager to achieve supersonic speeds more easily and maintain stability during the flight.

I thinks it’s b