Each summer, Gina picks blueberries at a local berry farm. She can pick 4 pounds of blueberries each hour. Gina is paid $0.65 per pound of berries that she picks. How much does Gina make per hour?

$4.04 per hour
$9.57 per hour
$2.28 per hour
$6.22 per hour

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the answer is one of them

To find out how much Gina makes per hour, we need to multiply the number of pounds of blueberries she can pick per hour by the rate she is paid per pound.

According to the given information, Gina can pick 4 pounds of blueberries each hour.

And she is paid $0.65 per pound of berries that she picks.

So, to calculate how much Gina makes per hour, we multiply the number of pounds (4) by the rate per pound ($0.65).

4 pounds * $0.65 = $2.60

Therefore, Gina makes $2.60 per hour.

None of the options provided match the correct answer.

.65*4 = 2.6

You have a typo.


4 x $.65 = $2.60

which does not correspond with any of the choices.