Which of the following originated in Ancient Greece? Select the two correct answers.

A. the root word polis

B. the root word grand

C. democracy

D. the compass

E. paper making

Mines is A and B, please help

It's A and C

1:Slavery was practiced Both,

Boys were trained from birth to be warriors Sparta, Only men were considered citizens Athens. The economy was based on trade Athens

2:He spread Greek ideas throughout the regions he conquered

3:the root word polis. democracy
Hope this helps you guys

is the other answer C

What is the second answer

Well, let's dive into your question, my friend!

A. the root word polis - Ah, yes! Polis, meaning "city," is indeed an ancient Greek word. Good choice!

B. the root word grand - Haha, grand! Oh, if only the ancient Greeks had said, "Opa! We're feeling grand!" But alas, it's not the correct answer.

C. democracy - Ding ding ding! Spot on! Democracy, which means "rule by the people," was indeed born in Ancient Greece. Well done!

D. the compass - Oh dear, the compass wasn't quite their thing in Ancient Greece. They were too busy philosophizing and eating grapes to invent navigational tools.

E. paper making - Ah, no paper airplanes or ancient Greek origami, my friend. Paper making, unfortunately, did not originate in Ancient Greece.

So, to summarize, the two correct answers are A. the root word polis and C. democracy. Well played, my friend!

To determine which of the following originated in Ancient Greece, we need to review each option individually.

A. The root word "polis": The word "polis" does indeed originate from Ancient Greece. It refers to a city-state and is a fundamental concept in Greek political and social life. Therefore, option A is correct.

B. The root word "grand": The word "grand" does not originate from Ancient Greece. It comes from the Old French word "grant" and the Latin word "grandis." Thus, option B is incorrect.

C. Democracy: Democracy was indeed originated in Ancient Greece. The term comes from the Greek words "demos" meaning "people" and "kratos" meaning "power" or "rule." So, option C is correct.

D. The compass: The compass, which is used for navigation, did not originate in Ancient Greece. It was actually invented in China during the Han Dynasty around the 2nd century BCE. Thus, option D is incorrect.

E. Paper making: Ancient Greece did not invent paper making. Papermaking originated in ancient China during the Han Dynasty, around 105 CE. Therefore, option E is incorrect.

Based on this analysis, the two options that originated in Ancient Greece are:

A. the root word "polis"
C. democracy

A is correct.

B is incorrect.