Check these please:

e=6 r=-9 y=5
er:3 +2y
6(-9) :3 +2(5)
-54 :3 +10
-18 + 10 = -8

(y + r )^2
5 +-9 x2

#1 ok, though fractions are usually written using a / instead of a :

(y+r)^2 = (5-9)^2 = (-4)^2 = 16
you did (y-r)^2
avoid using x as an operator; it's too easy to confuse it with a variable.


-9 x 6/4/5=54 x4/5=54x5/4=67.5
check this I think this is ri

Let's evaluate the first expression: er:3 + 2y.

To calculate this expression, we substitute the values of e, r, and y into the equation.

e = 6, r = -9, and y = 5.

So the expression becomes:
6(-9) : 3 + 2(5).

Next, we perform the multiplication and division, following the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

6(-9) = -54.
2(5) = 10.

Now, the expression is:
-54 : 3 + 10.

Dividing -54 by 3 gives us -18.

Finally, we add -18 + 10 to get -8.

Therefore, the value of the expression er:3 + 2y is -8.

Moving on to the second expression: (y + r)^2.

We have y = 5 and r = -9.

So, (5 + -9)^2 becomes (-4)^2.

To evaluate (-4)^2, we square the value, which simply means multiplying it by itself.

(-4)^2 = (-4) x (-4) = 16.

Hence, the value of the expression (y + r)^2 is 16.

In summary:
- er:3 + 2y = -8
- (y + r)^2 = 16