
Not so. You cannot just subtract 5 from x, since it inside an expression. You should have checked your work. Using x=5, you have

4(5+9) = 20
4*14 = 20
56 = 20
Bzzzt! But thanks for playing.

To solve an equation, follow the PEMDAS in reverse to isolate x.

4(x+9) = 20
divide both sides by 4 to get
x+9 = 5
Sow subtract 9 to get
x = -4
check: 4(-4+9) = 20
4(5) = 20


To solve this, first you need to subtract 9 from x. Which leaves 4(x)=20. Then you divide 4/x and 20/4. X/4= X and 20/4= 5. Therefore x=5.

To solve the equation 4(x+9) = 20, follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the expression within the parentheses.

Step 2: Distribute the number 4 to the expression within the parentheses.
4(x) + 4(9) = 20

Step 3: Simplify the equation.
4x + 36 = 20

Step 4: Move the constant term (36) to the other side of the equation by subtracting it from both sides.
4x + 36 - 36 = 20 - 36
4x = -16

Step 5: Isolate the variable by dividing both sides of the equation by the coefficient of the variable (4).
4x/4 = -16/4
x = -4

Therefore, x = -4 is the solution to the equation 4(x+9) = 20.