A toy rocket has a mass 0f 350g at launch. The force it produces is 15N and it is fired at an angle of 65° to the horizontal. What is the initial acceleration of rocket as a vector?

break the launch vector into two components, vertical and horizontal

Force Net Vertical=-9.8*.350+15cos65 N
force net horizonal=15sin65
initial acceleration= force/mass= (-9.8+15/.350*cos65)j+(15/.350*sin65)i
using i,j vectors..

Thanks, really helpful

I'm sorry, I don't see how you arrived at that answer. Could you please show your work or provide more information about the problem?



To find the initial acceleration of the rocket as a vector, we need to analyze the forces acting on it and use Newton's second law of motion, which states that force (F) equals mass (m) multiplied by acceleration (a).

1. Convert the mass of the rocket to kilograms:
The mass of the rocket is given as 350g. 1kg = 1000g, so the mass of the rocket in kilograms is:
m = 350g / 1000g/kg = 0.35 kg

2. Break down the force into its horizontal and vertical components:
The force produced by the rocket is 15N, and it is fired at an angle of 65° to the horizontal. We can use trigonometry to determine the horizontal and vertical components of the force:
- The horizontal component (F_x) is given by: F_x = F * cos(theta)
- The vertical component (F_y) is given by: F_y = F * sin(theta)

Plugging in the values, we get:
F_x = 15N * cos(65°)
F_y = 15N * sin(65°)

3. Calculate the acceleration in each direction:
Since the force in the x-direction (horizontal) is the only force acting on the rocket, the acceleration in this direction will be given by:
a_x = F_x / m

For the y-direction (vertical), we have both the force due to the rocket's thrust and the force due to gravity acting in the opposite direction. We need to subtract the force due to gravity to find the net force:
a_y = (F_y - m * g) / m

Where g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2).

4. Combine the horizontal and vertical components to find the initial acceleration as a vector:
The initial acceleration as a vector can be expressed as:
a_initial = √(a_x^2 + a_y^2)

Use the values calculated in the previous steps to find the answer.

Note: If we assume that there are no other external forces (air resistance, friction, etc.), then the initial acceleration of the rocket as a vector should remain constant during its flight.

A toy rocket has a mass of 350 g at launch. The force it produces is 15 N and it is fired at an angle of 65° to the horizontal.

What is the initial acceleration of the ticket as a vector?


Find the acceleration


the acceleration is reduced by gravity

a = (15 / .35) - [9.8 * sin(65º)]