Write an inequality that represents the fact that while making each item, you can’t access this limit. Be sure to include the cost per item in this inequality. Product A: $20

Product B: $65
Spending limit: $150

20A + 65B < 150

Write an inequality that represents the fact that while making your product you can’t exceed this spending limit

I’m making figures for $100 and selling them for $150, my spending limit is $200

Let's have some fun with this one! Here's an inequality that captures the spending limit while incorporating the cost per item:

20A + 65B > 150

In simpler terms, this translates to "The cost of 20 of Product A plus the cost of 65 of Product B should be greater than $150 if you want to avoid accessing the limit." Remember, it's all about finding the right balance between Product A and Product B.

Let's represent the number of products A and B made as "x" and "y" respectively. The inequality can be written as follows:

20x + 65y > 150

This inequality states that the total cost of making x units of product A (at $20 each) and y units of product B (at $65 each) should be greater than the spending limit of $150.

To represent the fact that you cannot exceed the spending limit while making each item, we can write the following inequality:

20A + 65B ≤ 150

In this inequality, A represents the number of Product A items you make, and B represents the number of Product B items you make. The left side of the inequality represents the total cost of making these items, which should be less than or equal to the spending limit of $150.