Dikembe is in a skyscraper 185 ft. above the ground. Javier is in a coal mine 322 feet underground. What is the difference in Dikembe and Javier's elevation?


is this right

no, you want

= 185 + 322
= ....

The "322 feet underground" is represented by -322

Make a table of values

Uses 1,2,3,4, for x values

Yes, you are correct. To find the difference in elevation between Dikembe's position in the skyscraper and Javier's position in the coal mine, you subtract the elevation of the coal mine from the elevation of the skyscraper. So, the difference in elevation is 185 feet (skyscraper) - (-322 feet) (coal mine) = 185 + 322 = 507 feet. Thus, the difference in elevation is 507 feet, not 137 feet.