Can someone help me with Percents? I don’t understand it at all. If someone could please actually help. Thank you.

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Ok here is one

Write a ratio and a percent for the shaded area (4x4 grid with 5 shaded)

4x4 with 5 shaded means the amount shaded is 5/16 = 0.3125 = 31.25%

Of course! I would be happy to explain how percentages work and assist you with any questions you may have.

A percentage is a way to express a part of something out of 100. It is often denoted by the symbol "%". To understand percentages better, let's break it down step by step:

1. Definition: A percentage is a fraction or a ratio expressed out of 100. It represents a proportion or a part of a whole.

2. Converting a percentage to a fraction: To convert a percentage to a fraction, you divide the given percentage by 100 and simplify the resulting fraction if possible. For example, if we have 75%, we divide 75 by 100 and get 0.75 as the decimal representation. Simplifying the fraction, we have 75% = 0.75 = 3/4.

3. Converting a percentage to a decimal: To convert a percentage to a decimal, you divide the given percentage by 100. For instance, converting 50% to a decimal, you divide 50 by 100 and obtain 0.50.

4. Finding a percentage of a whole: To find a percentage of a whole, you multiply the whole by the percentage (as a decimal). For example, if you want to find 30% of 200, you multiply 200 by 0.30, which results in 60. So, 30% of 200 is 60.

5. Finding the whole when given a percentage: To find the whole when given a percentage, you divide the given number by the percentage (as a decimal). For instance, if you know that 40% of a number is 80, you divide 80 by 0.40 to get the whole number, which is 200.

6. Finding the percentage change: To calculate the percentage change between two values, you subtract the initial value from the final value, then divide the result by the initial value, and finally multiply by 100 to express it as a percentage.

These are some basic concepts and calculations related to percentages. I hope this explanation helps you understand percentages better. If you have any specific questions or examples, feel free to ask!