Why is it important for local communities to work to protect the environment?

Choose exactly two answers that are correct.

A. because the federal government has no environmental policies in place

B. because it fosters a NIMBY attitude among community residents

C. because the natural resources available to a community are limited

D. because all members of a community need clean water

Could you please help? I think its C and D, Thank you!!

I agree with C and D.

Yes, you are correct! The correct answers are C and D.

C. because the natural resources available to a community are limited: Local communities need to protect the environment because the natural resources available to them are limited. By conserving and managing these resources, communities can ensure their long-term sustainability and prevent depletion.

D. because all members of a community need clean water: Protecting the environment is important for local communities because all members of a community need clean water. By working to protect water sources and prevent pollution, communities can ensure access to safe and clean drinking water for all residents.

Option A is incorrect because federal governments often have environmental policies in place to protect the environment. Option B is incorrect because fostering a "Not In My Backyard" (NIMBY) attitude would not be a positive outcome of community environmental protection efforts.

Yes, you are correct. The correct answers are C and D.

C. Local communities should work to protect the environment because the natural resources available to a community are limited. This means that if these resources are not properly managed and protected, they could be depleted or degraded over time. By taking steps to preserve and sustainably use their natural resources, communities can ensure their availability for current and future generations.

D. All members of a community need clean water. Protecting the environment helps ensure the availability of clean water sources. Many local communities rely on nearby rivers, lakes, or groundwater for their water supply. If these sources are polluted or depleted, it can have severe implications for public health, agriculture, and overall quality of life. Therefore, it is important for local communities to work together to protect the environment and preserve clean water sources.

It is worth noting that answer A is incorrect. While it is important for local communities to take action to protect the environment, this is not solely because the federal government has no environmental policies in place. Environmental protection efforts should not rely solely on government actions, but rather on a collective effort from all levels of society, including local communities, individuals, businesses, and organizations. By taking proactive measures at the local level, communities can make a significant positive impact on the environment. Answer B is also incorrect as it refers to a "NIMBY" attitude, which stands for "Not In My Backyard." This term is often associated with resistance towards the location of environmentally harmful facilities near one's own community, but it is not a valid reason for local communities to work towards protecting the environment.