A garden is 33.75 feet long and 21.6 feet wide. Draw a diagram of the garden with the lengths written on al for sides. What is the total distance around the garden

distance around is the perimeter, which is just the sum of all four sides of the rectangle. So, that would be

2(33.75 + 21.6) = 2(55.35) = 110.70 ft

To draw a diagram of the garden, you'll need to represent it as a rectangle with the given dimensions. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Take a blank sheet of paper or a drawing software if you're using a computer.
2. Draw a straight horizontal line for the longer side of the garden, measuring 33.75 feet in length.
3. From the endpoints of the first line, draw two vertical lines downward, measuring 21.6 feet each in length.
4. Connect the bottom endpoints of the vertical lines with a horizontal line to complete the rectangle.

Now that you have the diagram of the garden, let's calculate the total distance around it, also known as the perimeter:

1. Identify the four sides of the garden: two sides measuring 33.75 feet each (length), and two sides measuring 21.6 feet each (width).
2. Add up the lengths of all four sides: 33.75 + 33.75 + 21.6 + 21.6.
3. Calculate the sum: 110.7 feet.

Therefore, the total distance around the garden is 110.7 feet.

To find the total distance around the garden, also known as the perimeter, you need to add up the lengths of all four sides of the garden.

First, let's draw a diagram of the garden with the measurements written on each side.

| |
| |
| |
| | 33.75 ft
| |
| |
21.6 ft

In the diagram, the horizontal line represents the length of 33.75 feet, and the vertical line represents the width of 21.6 feet.

To find the total distance around the garden, you need to add up the lengths of all four sides:

33.75 ft + 21.6 ft + 33.75 ft + 21.6 ft = 110.7 ft

Therefore, the total distance around the garden is 110.7 feet.