The sum of 3 consecutive multiples of 7 is 1155.

x + x+7 + x+14 = 1155

3x = 1134
x = 378

To find the three consecutive multiples of 7 that add up to 1155, we can use a step-by-step approach.

Step 1: Let's assume the first multiple of 7 is x.
Step 2: The second multiple of 7 will be x + 7 (since it is consecutive).
Step 3: The third multiple of 7 will be x + 7 + 7 = x + 14 (since it is also consecutive).

Now, according to the problem, the sum of these three multiples is 1155. So we can write the equation:

x + (x + 7) + (x + 14) = 1155

Step 4: Simplify the equation:

3x + 21 = 1155

Step 5: Subtract 21 from both sides of the equation:

3x = 1155 - 21
3x = 1134

Step 6: Divide both sides by 3:

x = 1134 / 3
x = 378

So, the first multiple of 7 is 378.

Step 7: Find the second and third multiples of 7:

Second multiple = 378 + 7 = 385
Third multiple = 385 + 7 = 392

Therefore, the three consecutive multiples of 7 that add up to 1155 are 378, 385, and 392.

To find the three consecutive multiples of 7 that add up to 1155, we can use a systematic approach:

1. Let's assume the three consecutive multiples of 7 are x, x + 7, and x + 14.
2. Now we can write an equation based on the given information: x + (x + 7) + (x + 14) = 1155.
3. Simplify the equation: 3x + 21 = 1155.
4. Subtract 21 from both sides: 3x = 1134.
5. Divide both sides by 3: x = 378.

So, the three consecutive multiples of 7 are 378, 385, and 392, and they add up to 1155.