Hello, I've been having some trouble on this question can I get some help, please?

Which sentence uses the comma correctly?
A. We can rely on you to help, can't we Edward?
B. We can rely on you to help can't we, Edward?
C. We can rely on you, to help, can't we, Edward?
D. we can rely on you to help, can't we, Edward?

Thank you so much
What I think- I think that the answer is either A or D but at the same time I think its B

Thank you Writeteacher!!!

You've guessed at 3 different answers. Reread your text, and let us know which ONE you believe is correct.

Lol, I don't have a text this is just a question. ok my one answer is D

Yes, D is correct.

You're welcome.

If you have no text, this is a really good website from Purdue University to help people with correct comma usage. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/punctuation/commas/extended_rules_for_commas.html

Sure! I'd be happy to help you with this question.

The correct answer is A: "We can rely on you to help, can't we Edward?"

Here's an explanation for the correct answer and why the other choices are incorrect:

In sentence A, the comma is correctly placed after the word "help" to separate the tag question "can't we, Edward?" from the rest of the sentence. This is the most suitable option because the comma follows the general rules for using a comma before a tag question.

In sentence B, the comma is placed incorrectly after the word "help" instead of before the name "Edward." This makes the sentence confusing because it seems to indicate that "we can rely on you to help" and "can't we, Edward?" are two separate ideas. The comma should be placed before the name "Edward" to correctly separate the tag question from the rest of the sentence.

In sentence C, there are two unnecessary commas placed before and after "to help" and before "can't we." These commas disrupt the flow of the sentence and are not needed.

In sentence D, the only difference from sentence A is the capitalization of the word "we" at the beginning. While capitalizing the first word of a sentence is generally grammatically correct, in this case, it would be more appropriate to use lowercase as it is a continuation of the ongoing conversation.

So, in conclusion, sentence A is the most correct as it properly uses a comma before the tag question without unnecessary commas or incorrect placement.