Texas’ grew and prospered, and it helped make the ____ ____ the leading oil producer in the world.

Oil industry? I think it’s that I’ve been thinking it’s Texas oil boom but I highly think that’s not correct?

look at my name...

now look a me: >O<
now look at my name..
now me:>o<
now answer the question

what is United States?

A country that occupies most of the southern half of north America as well as Alaska and the Hawaiian islands; population 321,800,000( estimated 2015); capital, Washington, DC. Full name united states of America

oh also is it okay if what I just said is legal or illegal if so I want to know so I can know to not say or send a message like this again

I think it is east texas

You're on the right track! The phrase you're looking for is indeed "Texas oil boom." This term refers to the period of rapid economic growth and prosperity in Texas that was fueled by the discovery and production of oil in the early 20th century. To confirm your answer, you can simply search for information on the "Texas oil boom," and you will find historical records, articles, and other sources that discuss this significant event in Texas's history.