what is 3 is less than y in Inequality form

3 < y

"is less than" is denoted by <
"is greater than" is denoted by >
just as "is equal to" is denoted by =

is 3 less than y minus 2

The inequality form of "3 is less than y" can be written as:

3 < y

To understand this inequality, we can break it down as follows:

1. The symbol "<" represents the concept of "less than".
2. The number 3 is placed on the left-hand side of the symbol, indicating that it is being compared to y.
3. The variable y is represented on the right-hand side of the symbol. In an inequality, a variable represents an unknown quantity that can have different values.

Therefore, the inequality 3 < y means that y can have any value greater than 3.