Cab companies often charge a flat fee for picking someone up

and then charge an additional fee per mile driven. The Yellow Cab
Company charges $2.50 for pick up and $2.20 per mile.
. 2. What do the slope and y-intercept mean in the context of the problem?
Mark only one oval.
A. The slope of 2.50 tells me the flat fee and the y-intercept of 2.20 tells me the rate per mile.
B. The slope of 2.50 tells me the rate per mile and the y-intercept of 2.20 tells me the flat fee.
C. The slope of 2.20 tells me the rate per mile and the y-intercept of 2.50 tells me the flat fee.
D. The slope of 2.20 tells me the flat fee and the y-intercept of 2.50 tell me the rate per mile
The table shows the rate for Austin Cab Company
5. 3. Based on the table, what does the slope mean in the context of the problem? *
0 1 2 3 4 5
2.50 4.90 7.30 9.70 12.10 14.50
Mark only one oval.
A. Austin Cab Company charges $2.40 per mile
B. Austin Cab Company charges $2.50 per mile
C. Austin Cab Company charges a flat rate of $2.40
D. Austin Cab Company charges a flat rate of $2.50

@reiny bruh that helped no-one

For the first question, the correct answer is A. "The slope of 2.50 tells me the flat fee and the y-intercept of 2.20 tells me the rate per mile." The slope represents the rate per mile, which is $2.20 in this case, and the y-intercept represents the flat fee, which is $2.50.

For the second question, the correct answer is B. "Austin Cab Company charges $2.50 per mile." The slope in the table represents the rate per mile, which is consistent at $2.50 for each mile.

For the first question, the slope and y-intercept represent different components of the pricing structure of the cab company. The slope tells us the rate per mile, and the y-intercept tells us the flat fee.

Looking at the given options, the correct answer is option A: "The slope of 2.50 tells me the flat fee and the y-intercept of 2.20 tells me the rate per mile."

For the second question, the table shows the rates charged by the Austin Cab Company. To determine what the slope represents in this context, we need to look at the change in the rate as the miles increase.

By examining the table, we can observe that for every additional mile, the rate increases by $2.40. Therefore, the correct answer is option A: "Austin Cab Company charges $2.40 per mile."


Charge = 2.2x + 2.50 , where x is the number of miles

comparing this to y = mx + b, you know that m is the slope and b is the y-intercept

How does this fit in with your given choices?

Make the same analysis for #5 , you know how to find the slope.