Which best describes accomplishments of Ferdinand Magellan?

He sailed around South America before sailing across the Pacific Ocean to the Philippines.

He sailed around the southern tip of Africa before reaching Calicut, India.

He sailed to North America and established colonies in present-day Quebec and Montreal.

He sailed to Caribbean Islands and pioneered trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

yea im pretty sure it's a

ur mom

Yes, A.

The correct answer would be:

He sailed around South America before sailing across the Pacific Ocean to the Philippines.

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the options given and eliminate incorrect ones based on factual knowledge about Ferdinand Magellan's accomplishments.

Option 1: He sailed around South America before sailing across the Pacific Ocean to the Philippines.
This is the correct answer. Ferdinand Magellan embarked on a journey in 1519 with the goal of finding a western route to the Spice Islands (modern-day Indonesia). He sailed around the southern tip of South America and journeyed across the Pacific Ocean, ultimately reaching the Philippines.

Option 2: He sailed around the southern tip of Africa before reaching Calicut, India.
This option does not accurately describe Ferdinand Magellan's accomplishments. Although navigating around the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa was an important achievement in maritime history, it was not accomplished by Ferdinand Magellan.

Option 3: He sailed to North America and established colonies in present-day Quebec and Montreal.
This option is incorrect. Ferdinand Magellan did not sail to North America and did not establish colonies in present-day Quebec and Montreal. These areas were primarily explored and settled by French explorers like Jacques Cartier and Samuel de Champlain.

Option 4: He sailed to Caribbean Islands and pioneered trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
This option is also incorrect. While Ferdinand Magellan played a significant role in the Age of Exploration, he did not focus on the Caribbean Islands or trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas. His primary objective was to find a western route to the Spice Islands.

In summary, the best accomplishment that describes Ferdinand Magellan's achievements is that he sailed around South America before sailing across the Pacific Ocean to the Philippines.

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