Hi! Just need a question checked.

Which ordered pair is part of the equation y = 3x -4?
A. (1,1)
B. (2,2) ****
C. (3,6)
D. (4,9)

I substituted the ordered pairs into the equation, and B seemed to of made it true, but I just want to check in case I might've solved anything wrong.

correct, the others don't satisfy the equation

Yay, thank you! :)

Hello! It looks like you've worked through the question and have a tentative answer. Let's verify it together.

The equation given is y = 3x - 4. To check which ordered pair satisfies this equation, substitute the values of x and y into the equation and see if the equation holds true.

For option B, the ordered pair is (2, 2). Substitute these values into the equation:

y = 3x - 4 becomes
2 = 3(2) - 4

Now, let's solve this equation:
2 = 6 - 4
2 = 2

Since both sides of the equation are equal, the equation holds true. Therefore, the ordered pair (2, 2) is indeed a part of the equation y = 3x -4.

So, your answer B is correct! Keep up the good work. Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.