Maurice mows lawns on Saturday. Last week it took him 5 1/2 hours to finish. This week it took only 5 hours. How many times longer did it take last week than this week?

1 1/10?

What is 5 1/2 ÷ 5 or 5.5 ÷ 5 ??

To find out how many times longer it took last week compared to this week, we can divide the time it took last week by the time it took this week.

Last week, Maurice took 5 1/2 hours to finish mowing lawns, which is equivalent to 5 + 1/2 hours.

This week, it took Maurice 5 hours to finish mowing lawns.

Now, let's calculate the ratio of last week's time to this week's time:

Ratio = (Time Last Week) / (Time This Week)
= (5 + 1/2) hours / 5 hours
= 11/2 hours / 5 hours
= 11/2 * 1/5
= 11/10

Therefore, it took last week 11/10 times longer than this week for Maurice to finish mowing lawns.

To find out how many times longer it took Maurice to finish mowing lawns last week compared to this week, we can divide the time taken last week by the time taken this week.

First, we need to convert 5 1/2 hours to an improper fraction. To do this, we multiply the whole number (5) by the denominator of the fraction (2) and add the numerator (1), giving us a total of 11. Then we write this as a fraction by placing it over the denominator: 11/2 hours.

Next, we divide the time taken last week (11/2 hours) by the time taken this week (5 hours):

(11/2) ÷ 5

To divide fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction:

(11/2) × (1/5)

To simplify, we multiply the numerators and denominators:

(11 × 1) / (2 × 5)

This gives us:


Therefore, it took Maurice 11/10 times longer to finish mowing lawns last week compared to this week.