Translate to an algebraic expression (a) one third of the difference of two numbers

(B) Seventeen less than nine percent of a number

one third ... 1/3

difference of two numbers ... x-y
"of" usually means multiply, as in "half of 10 is 5."
so, what do you think?

Try the other one; I'm sure you can do it.

a. 1/3(x-y).

b. 0.09x - 17.

(a) To translate "one third of the difference of two numbers" into an algebraic expression, let's assume the two numbers are x and y.

The difference of two numbers is given by (x - y), and one third of this difference is (1/3)(x - y).

So, the algebraic expression for (a) is: (1/3)(x - y).

(b) To translate "seventeen less than nine percent of a number" into an algebraic expression, let's assume the number is n.

Nine percent of a number is given by (0.09n), and seventeen less than this is (0.09n - 17).

So, the algebraic expression for (b) is: 0.09n - 17.

To translate these phrases into algebraic expressions, we can follow these steps:

(a) One-third of the difference of two numbers:
Step 1: Assign variables to the numbers. Let's use "x" and "y" to represent the two numbers.
Step 2: Calculate the difference of the two numbers by subtracting y from x: x - y.
Step 3: Find one-third of the difference by multiplying the difference by 1/3: (x - y) * (1/3).

So, the algebraic expression for "one third of the difference of two numbers" is (x - y) * (1/3).

(b) Seventeen less than nine percent of a number:
Step 1: Assign a variable to the number. Let's use "n" to represent the number.
Step 2: Calculate nine percent of the number by multiplying it by 9/100: 9/100 * n.
Step 3: Subtract seventeen from this value: 9/100 * n - 17.

Therefore, the algebraic expression for "seventeen less than nine percent of a number" is 9/100 * n - 17.