Identify one or two early signs of conflict in the colonies

Which colonies? There have been many over time.

Portugal's —
Spain's —
England's —
France's —

To identify early signs of conflict in the colonies, you would need to examine historical records and events from the colonial era. Here are one or two early signs of conflict that you could identify:

1. The Stamp Act of 1765: This was an act passed by the British Parliament that imposed taxes on printed materials in the American colonies. It was one of the first significant signs of conflict between the colonists and the British government. The colonists saw this act as a violation of their rights, leading to widespread protests and boycotts against British goods. To identify this sign of conflict, you can research primary sources, such as newspaper articles, pamphlets, or colonial documents from that period, which would provide insights into the opposition and resistance against the Stamp Act.

2. The Boston Massacre in 1770: This event occurred when British soldiers fired on a mob of colonists in Boston, resulting in several deaths. It escalated tensions between the colonists and British authorities and is considered one of the early acts of violence that eventually led to the American Revolution. To identify this sign of conflict, you can study historical accounts, eyewitness testimonies, and official records such as court documents or reports from the time.

By researching primary and secondary sources from historical records, you can find evidence of early signs of conflict in the colonies. This helps to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that contributed to the rising tensions and eventual break between the colonists and the British government.