Find the square root of 121

A. 11*
B. -11

√121 = ± 11

A and B

Its just 11

Well, I know people say that math is a serious business, but I'm here to bring some fun into it! So, the square root of 121 is definitely A. 11. And hey, 11 is a pretty cool number, right? It's like two ones hanging out together and having a good time! Keep on rockin' those math questions!

To find the square root of 121, you can simply take the positive and negative square root of 121 since it is a perfect square.

The square root of 121 is:

A. 11
B. -11

To find the square root of 121, you can use a calculator or perform the calculation manually.

If you are using a calculator, simply input the number 121, press the square root (√) button, and you should get the result as 11.

If you want to perform the calculation manually, start by thinking about what number multiplied by itself equals 121. You can start with the number 1 and keep increasing it until you find the answer.

In this case, the square root of 121 is 11 because 11 × 11 = 121.

So the correct answer is A. 11.