On a sketch map of Nigeria,show the political division of the 36 states including the F. C. T.

Go here ~~> https://www.google.com.ng/

Type in map nigeria states

Press the Enter key.

Several maps will show up on the screen. Look at several and choose the one you want.

To locate the political division of the 36 states in Nigeria, including the Federal Capital Territory (F.C.T), you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
2. Go to a search engine like Google or Bing.
3. Type "Map of Nigeria political division" into the search bar and press Enter.
4. Look for a reliable source or website that provides maps specifically for Nigeria's political divisions.
5. Click on the appropriate link to access the map.
6. Once you have opened the map, you will see the 36 states of Nigeria and the Federal Capital Territory (F.C.T) labelled with their respective names and boundaries.
7. Take note of the state names and their divisions, which are usually represented by different colors or shading.
8. You can also zoom in or out of the map to get a better view of the individual states and their division lines.

By following these steps, you should be able to find a sketch map of Nigeria that shows the political division of the 36 states, including the F.C.T.