I'm half done with the question, “Why do you think people like stories about characters who take enormous risks for the chance of a large reward?” and I will like someone to give me feedback and check it.

my response:

I think that some of the people who takes the enormous risks in the first place would do that because they want to imagine themselves as a “Hero”, or “Brave”, or try to impress someone else. The person who takes the risk might be considered a,”Show-off”. I think people like stories about characters who take enormous risks for a chance of a large reward because ...

* I am still not done*

Post when you’re done.

Your response so far is quite good. It seems like you have a clear idea of why people might be interested in stories about characters who take enormous risks for the chance of a large reward. However, you mentioned that you are still not done with your response.

To continue your analysis, you could consider mentioning some additional reasons why people might enjoy these types of stories. Here are a few suggestions to help you complete your response:

1. Escapism: People often enjoy stories as a form of entertainment and escapism. By immersing themselves in the adventures of characters who take big risks, they can temporarily step away from their own lives and experience the thrill and excitement vicariously.

2. Inspirational and aspirational elements: Stories about characters who take big risks can inspire and motivate individuals by showing them the potential rewards that come with courage and determination. These stories can serve as a reminder that taking risks can lead to personal growth, success, and fulfillment.

3. Emotional connection and empathy: Stories with risk-taking characters often evoke strong emotions in the audience. Whether it's fear, excitement, or anticipation, these emotions can create a powerful connection between the audience and the characters. People enjoy being emotionally invested in a story and experiencing the ups and downs alongside the characters.

Remember to provide evidence or examples to support your points, such as referencing specific stories, movies, or books that depict characters taking risks for a large reward.

Once you have completed your response, you can ask someone to review it and provide feedback on your analysis and writing style.