Question:Which pair of ratios forms a proportion? 4/15, 16/65, 63/36, 7/4, 45/75, 5/8, 14/72, 2/9

Im having trouble with this one and need help, I looked back at my lessons but still do not understand.

reduce each fraction to lowest terms, and see which two are equal.


To determine if a pair of ratios forms a proportion, you need to check if the ratios are equal. When two ratios are equal, they form a proportion.

Let's go through each pair of ratios:

Pair 1: 4/15 and 16/65
To check if they are equal, we can cross-multiply and see if the products are equal.
4 * 65 = 260
15 * 16 = 240
Since 260 is not equal to 240, this pair does not form a proportion.

Pair 2: 63/36 and 7/4
63 * 4 = 252
36 * 7 = 252
The products are equal, so this pair forms a proportion.

Pair 3: 45/75 and 5/8
45 * 8 = 360
75 * 5 = 375
The products are not equal, so this pair does not form a proportion.

Pair 4: 14/72 and 2/9
14 * 9 = 126
72 * 2 = 144
The products are not equal, so this pair does not form a proportion.

Therefore, the pair of ratios that forms a proportion is 63/36 and 7/4.