From 1793 to 1794, the Committee of Public Safety took control of France’s government and used the guillotine to execute suspected enemies of the French Revolution. This time period is known as the _[blank]_.

Which option most accurately completes the sentence?

October Revolution
Glorious Revolution
Reign of Terror

Reign of Terror?

My response is a little late, but for those who are still wondering about this question, Bella is correct the answer is Reign of Terror.

The option that most accurately completes the sentence is "Reign of Terror".

The correct completion of the sentence would be "Reign of Terror." The Reign of Terror refers to the period from 1793 to 1794 during the French Revolution when the Committee of Public Safety, led by Maximilien Robespierre, held control of the French government. During this time, the Committee implemented a policy of severe repression against suspected enemies of the Revolution. Many people were executed by the guillotine, resulting in widespread fear and a climate of terror among the French population. To arrive at this answer, one could have identified the key element of the Committee of Public Safety and its use of the guillotine, which are distinct characteristics of the Reign of Terror.