Read the sentence.

A French intellectual of the Enlightenment period was known as a _[blank]_.

Which most accurately completes the sentence?

coup d’etat
carte blanche


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To find the most accurate completion for the sentence, you can analyze the given options and understand the context of the sentence.

The sentence mentions the Enlightenment period, which was a cultural and intellectual movement in Europe during the 18th century. It was characterized by an emphasis on reason, science, and individualism.

Among the given options, "bourgeois" does not fit the context as it refers to the middle class rather than a specific intellectual group. "Coup d'état" refers to a sudden overthrow of a government and is not related to the Enlightenment period or intellectuals. "Carte blanche" is a French phrase meaning "blank check" and does not align with the context of the sentence.

The most accurate completion for the sentence is "philosophe." Philosophe refers to the intellectuals of the Enlightenment period who played a significant role in shaping the movement's ideas and principles. They were known for their critical thinking, advocacy of individual rights, and promotion of reason and science.

Therefore, the correct completion for the sentence is:

"A French intellectual of the Enlightenment period was known as a _philosophe_."

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