I need a full sentence outline on a thesis. The thesis is "Although children are taught the basics in school there needs to be more emphasis on the lower grades to be susre children who have difficulties are discovered early to get the help needed to stay with the class, and evaluations must be more specific in the areas a child needs help in.

Please understand that no one here will do your work for you. However, we will be happy to read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.

Please read through your thesis and correct any spelling/typo errors. It also contains too much information for one sentence. Get rid of its wordiness and rewrite.

Then list the specific details and ideas you plan to use to prove that your statement is true.

Please post what you think and write.

What are your thoughts about helping children in lower grades who are having trouble?

Although children are taught the basics in school there needs to be more emphasis on the lower grades. 1. Teaching styles for children with learning disabilities. 2. The neurologicl and psychological aspects. 3. The optical approach for teaching children how to read.

To create a full sentence outline on the thesis "Although children are taught the basics in school, there needs to be more emphasis on the lower grades to ensure that children who have difficulties are discovered early and provided with the necessary help to stay with their class, and evaluations must be more specific in identifying the areas where a child needs help," you can follow these steps:

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Start with an attention-grabbing statement or statistic highlighting the importance of early identification and support for struggling students.
B. Background information: Provide a brief overview of the current educational system and the level of emphasis on identifying and supporting students with difficulties.
C. Thesis statement: State the main argument of the paper.

II. Lack of emphasis on early identification in lower grades
A. Explanation of the current system's approach to identifying struggling students
B. Discussion of the potential negative consequences of late identification and lack of early intervention
C. Examples and evidence supporting the need for more emphasis on the lower grades

III. Importance of providing help in the lower grades to keep children with their class
A. Explanation of how early intervention can prevent students from falling behind
B. Discussion of the benefits of keeping children with their peers in terms of academic and social development
C. Examples and evidence showing the positive outcomes of early support and intervention

IV. Critique of current evaluation practices
A. Examination of the existing evaluation methods used in schools
B. Identification of shortcomings in the current evaluation process
C. Discussion on the need for more specific evaluations that identify the specific areas where a child needs help
D. Examples and evidence supporting the significance of more specific evaluations

V. Importance of specific evaluations in identifying areas of need
A. Explanation of how specific evaluations can provide targeted support for struggling students
B. Discussion on how specific evaluations can lead to more effective intervention strategies
C. Examples and evidence showing the benefits of more specific evaluations

VI. Conclusion
A. Summary of key points discussed in the paper
B. Restatement of the thesis statement, highlighting the importance of emphasizing early identification and specific evaluations
C. Closing thoughts or a call to action to address the issue

By following this outline, you can structure your paper in a logical and organized manner, providing a comprehensive analysis of the importance of early identification, support, and specific evaluations for helping children with difficulties in school.