I had ask "Why the capitalist system developed in Europe?"

Using the steps, Ms. Writeacher gave me, I was able to identify how to solve the question. Did I do ok?
And here is my answer "The industrial development and the "slave trade" played a great part in the expansion of the Europe capitalism."

Yes, you did a good job in identifying the steps to solve the question. However, your answer could benefit from some additional information and clarification.

To further explain why the capitalist system developed in Europe, we can elaborate on the industrial development and the slave trade. Here's an improved answer:

"The development of the capitalist system in Europe can be attributed to several factors, with industrialization and the slave trade being significant contributors. During the industrial revolution, Europe experienced a rapid transformation from an agrarian society to one driven by factories, machines, and mass production. This shift created opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors to accumulate wealth through the ownership of means of production, such as factories and machinery. Capitalism thrived in this environment as it allowed individuals to generate profits and accumulate capital through private ownership and the pursuit of self-interest.

Additionally, Europe's involvement in the transatlantic slave trade also played a significant role in the expansion of capitalism. The forced labor of enslaved Africans in European colonies, particularly in the Americas, provided a cheap and abundant workforce for the production of valuable commodities like sugar, tobacco, cotton, and other raw materials. These raw materials were transported back to Europe where they were manufactured into finished goods and then traded for profit. This triangular trade system, in which goods, people, and capital circulated between Europe, Africa, and the Americas, further fueled the development and expansion of the capitalist system in Europe.

Therefore, while the industrial development created favorable conditions for capitalism to prosper, the exploitation of enslaved Africans through the slave trade facilitated the accumulation of capital that helped fuel Europe's economic growth and establishment of a capitalist system."

You have made a statement. You haven't given any reasons WHY the capitalist system developed in Europe.

Reasons are explanations. They answer the question WHY.