7 pt 1 c + 4 pt 1 c =?

it's 12, but 12 pt, not 12c

if you want a correct answer, ask a correct question.

If these are abbreviations for pints and cups, 12c is definitely not correct!

There are 2 cups in each pint. Start adding!

What's the answer?

I got 11 pt for connexus

its 13c aka 14pt

It's 12c

What!? And BTW your local shortle, stupid name anyway, you don't have to be rude. If you know that is wrong then just ignore and give the right answer. Huh, honestly.

Thank you @Anonymous!

To solve this equation, we'll first simplify the number and unit separately, and then add them together.

Let's start by simplifying the number on the left side of the equation:
7 pt 1 c = 7.1 c

Next, let's simplify the number on the right side of the equation:
4 pt 1 c = 4.1 c

Now, we can add the two simplified numbers together:
7.1 c + 4.1 c = 11.2 c

Therefore, 7 pt 1 c + 4 pt 1 c equals 11.2 c.

oobleck thats wrong dummy