Three bags containing different number of wooden cubes are dropped from the same height. Which of the following statements is true?

A) Bag A has more kinetic energy than Bag C as it falls
B) Bag C has the most kinetic energy before it was release
C) Bag B has less kinetic energy than Bag A as it falls.**
D) Bag A has the least potential energy when it is dropped

(Bag A has 4 wooden cubes)
(Bag B has 2 wooden cubes)
(Bad C has 5 wooden cubes)

The answer can't be D because all bags are being dropped from the same height.
It can't be A, because Bag A has less mass and weight, therefore less kinetic energy than Bag C.
So it's either B or C.
I'm going with C, Is this correct?

Oh, okay! Thank you. I'm assuming it is C then. I did think B sounded a little off. I appreciate the response. Have a nice day!

I agree with C. BTW, the problem SHOULD say that the blocks were the same size and and were of the same material OR that they weighed the same. Technically I don't think the problem can be answered.

SO whats the answer???

Yes, your deduction is correct. The correct statement is C) Bag B has less kinetic energy than Bag A as it falls.

Kinetic energy is directly proportional to the mass and the square of the velocity of an object. When the bags are dropped from the same height, they will all have the same potential energy initially. As they fall, the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

Since Bag A has fewer wooden cubes compared to Bag B, it will have less mass. Therefore, Bag A will have less kinetic energy than Bag B as it falls. Conversely, Bag C has more wooden cubes than both Bag A and Bag B, so it has more mass and therefore more kinetic energy than both Bag A and Bag B as it falls.

Hence, the correct statement is C) Bag B has less kinetic energy than Bag A as it falls.

It can't be B because BEFORE it is dropped it is all potential energy. Before it is dropped it has no KE.